Next two girls, Joy and Tica, were both adopted from Safe Haven for Cats in Raleigh NC. Here is their story:
A woman had called the shelter to see if there was room for two kittens. She was told to try to keep them for a few weeks until there was space for them. When Safe Haven called to let her know they had space she brought them in right away. She hadn’t bothered to tell anyone at the shelter that one of the kitties didn’t have eyes and the other one’s eyes were in bad shape. So off to Dr. English (Eye Specialist) they went for exams and Tika had to have some of her eyelashes lasered off because they were growing into her eyes and causing her pain and irritating her almost sightless eyes. The disease that causes the blindness comes from inbreeding in feral cat colonies and unfortunately most of these kittens die shortly after they are born. But Joy and Tika were rescued and were lucky enough to end up at Safe Haven. Once Tika’s eyes healed as much as possible (thanks to the care and attention of the Safe Haven staff) they were available for adoption.
Their current owner was volunteering at the shelter during the time they were there and talked it over with her husband about bringing two blind cats home. Before making the decision, her husband, wanted to meet them both and wanted to talk talk to another volunteer who had also adopted blind cats. Well, as soon as he saw them he fell in love. Adoption papers were filled out and both girls had a new home.
They are truly amazing kitties. It took them less than a week to “memorize” the whole house. They run and play just like sited kitties – they actually will chase the other cats! They love each other dearly and snuggle every night at the foot of the bed.
"I hate to think what bad ends they would have come to if that lady hadn’t rescued them. They are wonderful companions and all of our friends are amazed at how well they get along. We are thankful to have them in our lives – they make us happy."
She is so cute! Love the picture.
That is the most wonderful painting of a cat!! I think your project is a fabulous idea and I'm checking your blog daily to see what today's fabulous painting/story might bring. Keep up the wonderful work!!
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