"Duke" - 8x8 Oil on Panel
I would like to introduce you to a bengal cat Duke. He was rescued off of craigslist ( a well known site used to post unwanted items to buy or give away). He was being given away for free. In his short three years of life he was now losing his second home. He's lucky he didn't end up in a shelter but far luckier to have escaped the outcome many free pets on craigslist come to. These include being used as test animals, fed to snakes, or used as bait in dog fights.
Duke wrapped his little warm body around his new owners hearts. And when he showed affection and patience with their toddler it sealed the deal and he is now in a loving and forever home. He is their third rescue cat but by far the luckiest of them all.
Wow, he is simply stunning.
You are so talented and you captured his little indifferent stare perfectly. He is the worlds most spoiled "chunky monkey" and is such a blessing in our lives. Thank you for sharing your talent for the benefit of all those homeless pets out there still waiting to be rescued.
...food for snakes? Your work inspires me and I will look forward to following your work while sipping my coffee each morning. I am so happy I found your blog - Amazing work.
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